Understand Your Opportunities in the Agriculture Market


Agriculture is a major facet of the United States economy and is expected to remain highly productive over the long run. Total crop output is expected to increase on the back of increasing yields and innovation within the agricultural sector. This creates an opportunity for propane to be utilized in increasingly essential ways, including in mobile agricultural equipment. In addition, small-scale agriculture in the form of grower operations can make propane an ideal fuel for greenhouse and irrigation needs.

In 2023, 38 states allow for the growth of medicinal cannabis while 19 allow growth for recreational purposes. Driven by popular support and the need for increased tax revenue, state legislatures are moving quickly to expand growing operation permissions within their states. Getting into the nascent cannabis growing space could provide a foothold for propane as the crop is expected to become more common, potentially even becoming a common row crop, requiring large-scale irrigation, and harvesting equipment.

Take Action

Use these resources to grow your gallons in the propane agriculture market.


Propane fueled irrigation engines can reduce fuel costs per hour by 45% and produce up to 8 percent fewer greenhouse gas emissions, compared with diesel fuel alternatives. Propane-fueled irrigation engines produce 18 percent fewer emissions than gasoline fueled options. Use the irrigation cost-calculator to calculate your savings and read about emissions reductions:

Modern propane-fueled grain dryers can require 50 percent less thermal energy to remove water from crops compared with older propane-fueled grain dryer designs. Use the Grain dryer demand models to calculate demand in your area and then use cost calculator.

Propane-fueled boilers used with a carbon dioxide (CO2) condenser can provide both heat and CO2 supplementation to greenhouses to increase plant growth rates. Learn more about growing with propane.


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