Offer Potential Customers a Bonus
The Council provides several incentive programs for select propane applications to stimulate purchases, encourage product improvements, and establish wider familiarity of new products.
The Propane Construction Incentive Program offers a monetary incentive to builders and remodelers who install qualifying propane applications in their projects. Eligible builders and remodelers could earn up to $1,000 for each home, with the opportunity to earn an additional $500 regional bonus, for a total of up to $1,500 per home.
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Designed to encourage agricultural producers to adopt new propane equipment on their farm, the Propane Farm Incentive Program provides a financial incentive to qualifying and selected farmers who purchase select pieces of equipment and agree to share their experiences.
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Designed to help Manufactured Housing Retailers off-set the cost to install or upgrade to "live burn" homes operating on propane. In order to eligible, the Manufactured Housing Retailer must work directly with their local propane provider.