Letter to Editor, New York Times: Senator Manchin is Right About “All-of-the-Above” Approach
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Dear Editor:
The Biden administration is moving full speed ahead with the electrification movement, but the challenges and costs keep adding up. As a concerned citizen, how do we protect the environment while ramping up mineral extraction in the U.S.? What happens to batteries once they’ve reached the end of their lifecycle? I commend the investments being made by our administration to solve these issues, but we still have a long way to go before these answers become concrete.
As a proponent of the clean energy transition, I think Senator Manchin is on to something when he touts an “all-of-the-above” approach. It makes a lot of sense to take advantage of other low carbon fuels that are available and affordable today. Let’s expand our focus from aspirational to achievable. There are other industries that are innovating products that will lower carbon emissions in the short-term. We shouldn’t discount them.
I urge Americans to accept all solutions that will help America achieve its climate goals.
-Tucker Perkins, President & CEO, Propane Education and Research Council