NFPA 54 LP-GAS CODE HANDBOOK, published by NFPA, the Code source, the National Fuel Gas Code Handbook is a time-saving NFPA 54 companion for engineers, contractors, consultants, AHJs, designers, and architects. The NFPA 54 Handbook is your go-to source for the hows and whys behind fuel gas safety compliance. Fully updated and featuring a wealth of full-color visuals, NFPA’s National Fuel Gas Code Handbook explains technical NFPA 54 requirements and fuel gas safety concepts — so you’re prepared to answer questions from employees and owners; and verify fuel gas piping, appliance, and venting jobs are in compliance. Handbook contributors are a panel of fuel gas safety experts. Commentary from authorities in the field gives you the background, rationale, and practical tips you need for error-free design, installation, and inspection.

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